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Hello Doily….

28 Apr

This is one of the most beautiful stamps I have ever used.  We are doing a class soon using this stamp along with a few more beautiful background stamps at The Cutting Garden, check out the June class calendar for crop details.   These cards just make me happy…. Pretty, Pink and lovely butterflies… Yup, I definitely have to buy this stamp, Kim was kind enough to lend it to me but It is a definite keeper 🙂

Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!


French Scroll Punch Around the Page…

28 Apr

Good Morning Blog Friends!  Happy Saturday 🙂  What do you think of this beautiful punch around the page set?  It is one of my favorites!  I find that is is very versatile, you can use it for masculine cards as well 🙂

For this card I used the punch around the page set in two sizes…. 3.25 in and 5 inch and punched both squares and layered one on top of the other.  These sets are very easy to use but you really have to make sure you get your measuring right, once you have done that they will punch perfectly for you every time!  Kim just got a bunch of these sets in at The Cutting Garden and she is ordering new ones regularly!  This makes me very very happy… and also a little broke LOL!  Oh well 🙂

I hope everyone has a fantastic day and thanks for stopping by!!!