Flowers for Lauren!….

30 Oct

Good Morning Blog Friends and Happy Sunday!!  It feels like Saturday to me because I have the day off tomorrow so I get an extra day to do all the housework and chores that I have successfully avoided for the past two days!  Yeah right!  Like that’s going to happen… I will end up doing only what I can not avoid and spend the rest of the time playing around in my craft room!  Nothing New Here! LOL!


I have to admit…. I am still stalking my lovely friend and wonderfully talented Laurenscraft on SCS.  The woman has made an ART of out making Prima Flowers!  I set my mind to following her fabulous tutorial (found here: ) this morning and attempted my first flower.  Let’s just say… I’m no Lauren!!!  But really who could be??? 🙂  Here’s my *ahem* attempt at a Prima Flower…

Oh well, it could be worse huh??  If you want to see the real deal, check out Lauren’s blog… you won’t be disappointed!! I used Verve for the sentiment stamp and all the flowers were made with the small and medium size Retro Flower Punches.  I managed the little ones pretty well!  I am happy with the little yellow splat punch I used for the centers and then added a little pink dot of liquid pearls.   Here’s a look at the whole card…

Check out that background panel…  I made a trip to Michael’s yesterday armed with a 50% off coupon and I decided I would give her new punch all over the page punch a go.  This one is called Crochet Flower pattern.  I couldn’t wait to rip open the box and give it a try but my first attempt was crazy crooked and I couldn’t get it to line up at all!!  I was so disappointed!!!  My husband, Tony came to the rescue as usual and punched a perfect panel on the first try!  I was going to take the punch back but now that he did it so easily I have decided to persevere and give it another try!  Hey… if he can do it first try….  hehehe  (btw… this is the one he punched for me).  Okay enough gab!  Here’s another pic…

I want to finish off by saying a Great Big Thank You to LAUREN!!!!  For trying to help the helpless 😉

If you think of it… check back later today…. I hope to post a new free Christmas Sentiment Digi!  🙂

Lisa 🙂 

One Response to “Flowers for Lauren!….”

  1. Lauren Brown October 30, 2011 at 10:44 am #

    Oh yes this was worth waiting for……. brilliant. So well done Lisa, I am proud of you!!! I love your card and your flowers are just fantastic. Love love love the little guys and your big one is just fantastic. Great first effort, I see lots and lots of handmade by Lisa flowers in your future!!!

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