Color Challenge… Friendship…

28 Dec

I’ve been crafting all day!  It’s so great to be on vacation and have tons of time to play around and do what ever you like!  I thought I should make another post because my friend Sam told me that I haven’t offered this Digi  on my blog yet!  Check this out…

This is another Digi that my husband Tony made for me and it is a favorite of mine.

I am playing along with SplitCoast Stampers weekly Color Challenge.  We were asked to use two shades of blue and white.  Here’s another look…

Nice huh?  I need to start thinking of some new sentiments for Digi’s so I can put Tony back to work LOL!!! If you have any ideas, I would be happy to pass them on to him!  Don’t be shy now!  It’s hard work thinking all this up all on my own! LOL!!!  Here is a look at the whole card…

Bling and Stickles … Does it get any better than that???  Nope!

And because I love to share all the Digi goodness that Tony creates for me…. Here’s the Digi up for grabs!

 Hope you like this Digi as much as I do, and as always, if you decide to use it I would appreciate a link back here to my blog!

Have a great evening!

Lisa 🙂


4 Responses to “Color Challenge… Friendship…”

  1. Samantha Swindle December 28, 2011 at 9:16 pm #

    Thank you Lisa!! Beautiful as usual!!

  2. Yvonne December 28, 2011 at 11:10 pm #

    Love it! Those blues are awesome! Gotta save that digi to my collection too…..thanks Tony!!

  3. Sherri Patton December 30, 2011 at 12:14 am #

    Beautiful card! Thanks for letting us snag the digi!

  4. Carol O January 10, 2012 at 10:40 pm #

    Love the Sentiment and the Beautiful card! Thank you so much for sharing.

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