Friday Free for All… All Girlie!

20 Dec

Hello… Can you believe it’s only 4 days until Christmas Eve?  Wow, I am behind as usual.  I’m stuck home with a nasty stomach bug and every day I am falling more and more behind *sigh*  Oh well, I think I’m finally on the mend… (If I keep telling myself that, it just HAS to work right?!)

Okay enough of my whining…  Check this out…

Quite the fantastic pansy image huh?  Well my Secret Santa on SplitCoast sent this to me and I just couldn’t wait to put it to use!  For this challenge we were asked to use our favorite girlie image!  Perfect huh?  Here’s a look at the whole card….

What’s better than butterflies, bows and flowers?  So Pretty!  The butterfly punch is by Martha Stewart and it is my new favorite, it is so easy to use!  Here’s a look at the inside of the card….

I am so happy to be finished with making Christmas cards, I really am enjoying playing along with the challenges again!  I am still avoiding the masculine cards but I really need to start thinking about getting some done in the near future.

Have a great day!

Lisa 🙂

One Response to “Friday Free for All… All Girlie!”

  1. Samantha Swindle December 20, 2011 at 6:07 pm #

    Your girlie card is gorgeous!! Love it!!!
    Yes, you need to think about some masculine cards. Are you in my Male card swap by the way?????? LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!

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