Mix It Up Challenge….

15 Apr

Happy Sunday!  It has been such a beautiful day here in Halifax today!  The sun is out and it was warm enough for me to open up the windows and let all that lovely fresh air in FINALLY!!! 🙂  I love this time of year, signs of spring are everywhere!

Over on the Mix It Up Challenge thread it’s new challenge day and it looks like I’m up again!  Soooooo I thought I would give them a really easy on this week….  I thought we could show off our beautiful border punches and I know you all must be hoarding….  Have a look at this….

This border punch is actually part of the Martha Stewart Wild Flowers Punch Around the Page set.  It is a very deep punch but it is  totally beautiful!  Kim from The Cutting Garden sent me home with this Flourishes Poppy stamp set to see what I would create with it.  I am truly terrible with coloring… It really isn’t my thing at all so I decided to use heat embossing to see if I could create something nice.

I am not sure how happy I am with this effort but I’m okay with it… It is what it is 🙂  Overall I like the card layout anyway 🙂

So this is the first card that I am posting for this week’s Mix It Up challenge.  I have a few more all ready to post so stay tuned!


2 Responses to “Mix It Up Challenge….”

  1. Sue O April 15, 2012 at 7:05 pm #

    Love, Love, Love this!!!! i love everything about this card! Gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Sue O

  2. Marney April 16, 2012 at 12:01 pm #

    Great challenge and geat card.. Very nice stamp and the border punch.. Thanks for sharing..

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