Clean & Simple…

16 Apr

Happy Monday to everyone!  The weekend is over and it’s back to work for me today.  I thought I would take a minute this morning while sipping my coffee to share a card that I made over the weekend.  I have a box full of cards all waiting to be posted and as usual, this box is getting over filled and I need to get them photographed!  Have a look at this one… Kim from The Cutting Garden was kind enough to lend me her beautiful Stampin’ Up Hello Doily stamp.  I absolutely LOVE it!  😀  After seeing how well this card turned out I am just going to HAVE to get it for myself!  I find that my style of card making is changing drastically, I am veering more towards clean and simple cards regularly now although I still love the bumpy busy style also!  Look at that beautiful gem in the center… My lovely friend Lauren from Australia sent a package of these to me and up until now, I couldn’t bear to use them they were so pretty and I just wanted to hoard them! LOL!!!  Pop over to Lauren’s blog and say hello!  She has some fantastic pic’s of her beautiful stamping space posted!

Here’s  a look at the whole card…

I am hosting this week’s Mix It Up challenge and I really struggled with coming up with something creative for the challenge so I asked everyone to use border punches on their projects.  This border punch is by Recollections and it one of my newer additions to my fast growing collection.  I love LOVE punches!

Anyway… time for me to hit the shower and get ready for work!  I hope everyone has a fantastic week!!!


6 Responses to “Clean & Simple…”

  1. Debbie Dunham April 16, 2012 at 9:23 am #

    Beautiful LIsa! Love that doily and the bling!

  2. samswindle April 16, 2012 at 10:22 am #

    Very nice Lisa!! I love the combo of the doily stamp, the background stamp, the border punch, and the beautiful gems. They all flow so beautifully together!!

  3. laurenscraft April 16, 2012 at 11:24 am #

    Lisa this is gorgeous, I love the doily, so spectacular!!! Love the background and the bling, pretty vellum too!! Lisa it really is wonderful!!! Did I tell you I love your work?? hugs 🙂

  4. Sue O April 16, 2012 at 11:29 am #

    OMG Lisa! This is beautiful! It has actually brought tears to my eyes….my Grandmother (passed last June) use to crochet alot, and well this looks just like a doily she use to do! Beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing & the wonderful memory!
    Sue O

  5. Marney April 16, 2012 at 12:09 pm #

    This is beautiful.. I love that doily stamp. Sue O is so right.. it does bring those beautiful crocheted doilies we used to make… Thanks for sharing

  6. Florence April 16, 2012 at 1:43 pm #

    Hi Lisa. Beautiful card. Love the the doily stamp.
    Regards Florence x

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