Martha Stewart Twirl Loop Punch Around the Page….

14 Aug

Good Morning!

You all know buy now that I covet my Martha Stewart punches.  I just simply can not resist them!  Kim brought in a couple of new sets and I sat down this morning to play with one of them.  I decided to use some of the new Webster;s Pages paper line that Kim recently brought in, I think it is absolutely beautiful…..

Twirl Loop 1

Twirl Loop 2

This turned out very pretty in white but I thought I would try punching it using the patterned paper as well….

Twirl Loop 3Twirl Loop 4I decided to fold over the paper to show now pretty the color is on the other side and I added one of the beautiful buttons Kim has in stock as well.  I am very pleased with the way these cards turned out!  I love this set of punches and I know I will use them over and over again because they make such a unique style card.

Well I am off to get ready to head out the door.  Carol will be picking me up soon and we are heading over to The Cutting Garden for a visit and possibly out for a nice lunch!

I hope you all have a great day and thanks so much for stopping by!!


3 Responses to “Martha Stewart Twirl Loop Punch Around the Page….”

  1. Lynn August 14, 2013 at 10:22 am #

    wow…that is a deep loop…love your cards

  2. Creative Treasures August 14, 2013 at 3:43 pm #

    Really love that punch! Your cards are so elegant. Nice work!

  3. just4crafters August 15, 2013 at 6:49 pm #

    Love this punch!!! Beautiful!!! ~Sophia

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