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New Toys!!!

2 Jan

Happy New Year!!!!!  I just know 2012 is going to be a Great Year!!!!

I took a quick trip out in the miserable rainy weather today to pick up a few things in preparation for going back to work!  I had to do the usual grocery shopping etc…  We have a new Craft store in my neighborhood that just opened and it looks like it is going to be a fantastic place to get all those wonderful Prima flowers that I drool over constantly!  Check out some of my new goodies…

How’s that for Bling!?!?!?  Wow!  Love it!

Fun stuff huh?  It makes me want to get stamping but unfortunately my Mojo seems to be on vacation for the past couple of days!  Oh well, I’m sure it will come back!  Until then I will just have to spend my time catching up on the cards I have made that are sitting on my shelf waiting for me to put them on my blog!  That will keep me busy for a while! LOL!!

Hope you are having a great evening!

Lisa 🙂