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Another Memory Box Die Creation….

21 Jan

I’m still playing with the new Memory Box Die cuts that I spread out over my desk.  This one is so pretty…

I made this card using all scraps of paper, my pile of scraps is becoming out of control again I’m afraid!  Several of my friends on SplitCoast have me playing around with making hat pins and I found these lovely beads and couldn’t resist adding the pin to my card.  Here’s a look at the whole card….

The Cutting Garden, a local craft store here in Halifax carries these dies, they sell so quickly!  I am so glad they have ordered more in!  Here’s a link to the store…  Pop over and check them out, you will be glad you did!

Here’s a peek at the inside….

Have a great evening!

Lisa 🙂

Linda is this week’s Featured Stamper!

21 Jan

Now how on earth did I miss this!!!!  Linda, aka Holsten is Featured Stamper this week and I didn’t realize it until last night!  Linda is one of my favorite Stampers on SplitCoast, she always leaves such sweet and wonderful comments, she is just plain lovely!  I just HAD to play long!  Check this out…

Linda has mastered every style of card, every time she posts, she creates something wonderful and new.  This is the link to Linda’s card that I chose to CASE…

I know, I know I went a little wile with it but I couldn’t help myself! LOL!!

What caught my eye the most about Linda’s card was the three sweet little flowers at the bottom.  I changed up the card but kept the same theme 🙂  Here’s a look at the entire card….

Linda… I truly hope you enjoyed your week being featured stamper, I can’t think of anyone more deserving!

Have a great day!

Lisa 🙂