Bucklez for Ribbon???? What a find!!!

8 Jan

Check this out!!!!

We have a new craft store in my neighborhood!!!  It’s called The Cutting Garden!  Here’s a link to their website… http://www.thecuttinggarden.ca/  The staff there are so friendly and helpful and the store is stocked with out of this world toys that I have never seen before!!!   I couldn’t believe they even made such a thing but as soon as I saw them I just HAD to have them… oh and create a card using one!!!  Here see for yourself….

If you have spent any time flipping through my blog, you will know that ribbon is absolutely one of my FAVORITE things!!!!  I have many others but ribbon is in the top 3!!!!  I’ll tell you about their ribbon selection later LOL!!! right now it’s all about the bling baby!!!  Here’s another pic… (got my camera working overtime this weekend!)

Ohhhh So Pretty!!! These beauties come in a package of 6 for $1.89!  How sweet is that???  Here’s a look at the whole card…

I made this card as inspiration for the New Mix It Up! Challenge that  I am hosting on SplitCoast!  We would love it if you dropped in to say Hi and maybe play along!!!  You can find us here:  http://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/splitcoast-challenges-f40/mix-up-challenge-t545664.html#post19065392

Hope you will join us!

Lisa 🙂

6 Responses to “Bucklez for Ribbon???? What a find!!!”

  1. mycraftingtherapyroom January 8, 2012 at 1:24 pm #

    Holy cow Lisa!!! Those are OMG gorgeous! I need a store like that down the street from me too…..or maybe I don’t…..but I’d really like it! That card is beautiful and that blinged up ribbon buckle is such a bang on perfect touch!! Love it!


  2. Donna Lueders January 8, 2012 at 1:44 pm #

    Love the card. If I had known you never knew about ribbon buckles, I would have gladly sent you some a long time ago. Wonder what else you have never seen? Because, the way you craft, who would know it. You are so talented. I just love looking at all of your creations. You give me inspiration:) Love ya!

  3. Kathy (muscrat) January 8, 2012 at 8:57 pm #

    Lovely! I have seen those buckles in the wedding section at Michaels….

  4. laurenscraft January 9, 2012 at 5:01 am #

    Love love love the buckle, love love love the ribbon, love love love the flower, everything is just so gorgeous. Holey Moley you make the best cards!!!

  5. samswindle January 9, 2012 at 10:31 am #

    Love the buckles Lisa. I have some of those but have never used them. Maybe I’ll pull them out!!!!

  6. Valerie H. Wilson January 9, 2012 at 11:06 am #

    So glad to have you drop by the store!!
    What an amazing creation with your buckles! Drop dead gorgeous!!
    Hope you’ll bring it in so we can all drewl over it in person!
    Val 🙂

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