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My New Stamps Arrived!!

25 Jan

So I ordered these stamps a few weeks ago from The Cutting Garden… and they came in today!  I will probably do my usual thing and sit and look at them for a few days until I figure out what to do with them! LOL!!

These stamps are made by Flourishes and require coloring…. something I’m not very good at but I am determined to use them!  They are so beautiful!!!  Here’s the other set….

I’m glad the weekend is coming up, I want to make some time to sit down and try them out!  Thanks Kim for ordering these in for me and the best part is…. They came in on a week that The Cutting Garden had 10% off all their stamps!  Bonus! LOL!!!

Lisa 🙂

Hat Pins….

25 Jan

Okay so the Swapping Queen of the year strikes again!  Sam I hope you read this at some point, you are going to learn a little something about me!!!  I am totally obsessive at times!!!

Sam is one of my swapping friends…. actually she is Queen of the swappers in my mind, she talked me into joining her hat pin swap so I have been obsessing over beads all week!  I have been on the look out for some nice beads that I can use to build hat pins for her swap.  What do you think of these?….  Good for a start huh?

Now all I have to do is find the darn pins!!!  This is a nightmare! LOL!!!  I am going to hit every fabric shop and floral store I can find until I find the darn things!  I need a minimum of 2″ pins with or without a pearl on the top.  If anyone local has found any of these can you please let me know where?


Lisa 🙂